
Watch: After restoration of LS membership, Rahul Gandhi reaches Parliament

Supreme Court on Friday stayed his conviction, paving the way for restoration of his Lok Sabha membership.

New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi arrived at Parliament on Monday after Lok Sabha Secretariat issued a notification reinstating his membership.

Upon his arrival, he received a warm welcome from various leaders.

Earlier today, the Lok Sabha membership of the Congress leader was restored.

The Lok Sabha Secretariat issued a notification announcing that his disqualification has been revoked and his membership restored.

Gandhi was disqualified as a Lok Sabha member on March 23 after a Gujarat court convicted him in a defamation case and sentenced him to two years in jail.

A punishment for two years and above automatically disqualifies a lawmaker.

The Supreme Court on Friday last stayed his conviction, paving the way for restoration of his Lok Sabha membership.

He represents Wayanad in the lower house.

With inputs from agencies

This post was last modified on August 7, 2023 6:43 pm

Sameer Khan

Sameer Khan is a native of Hyderabad with an M.Tech degree. He has been with Siasat since 2011. He covers stories on Hyderabad, Business, Sports and Technology.

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