Upper-caste men disrupt Buddha Katha in Kanpur, attack Dalits

According to an eye witness, the attackers fired at the Dalits, broke the sound system and vandalised the venue

Dalits in Pehva village of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh were allegedly attacked by upper-caste people during a nine-day Buddha-Katha (readings from Gautam Buddha) ceremony.

The incident occurred on December 17.

According to reports, a nine-day Buddha Katha was being organised by the Dalit community in the village. On the third day, while some participants were sleeping at the venue, they were attacked.

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According to eye witness Pawan Kumar, there were over 15 attackers, and some of them carried guns. “Some 10-15 people arrived in three cars and attacked our people while they were asleep. They fired at our people, broke the sound system and vandalised the venue. Two people were injured,” he said, adding they had received threats from the attackers to not conduct the event.

On information, Kanpur assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Abhishek Kumar Pandey reached the spot. He told reporters that investigations are going on and it is too early to comment on anything.

Police registered FIR against 8 people of which three have been arrested. Sections 147, 148, 149, 323 504, 427, 395, 295A, 336 and SC/ST Atrocities Act of the IPC was registered.

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