Middle East

Overstay fines in UAE: Here’s how to pay and avoid them next time

Residents, tourists and overstay visitor visa holders will now pay Dirhams 50 (Rs 1,129) per day instead of Dirhams 100 (Rs 2,259).

Abu Dhabi: The UAE Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security (ICP) has standardised the fines for overstaying your visa.

Residents, tourists and overstay visitor visa holders will now have to pay Dirhams 50 (Rs 1,129) per day instead of Dirhams 100 (Rs 2,259).

This is according to the new rules introduced as part of the sweeping visa reforms announced on October 3, 2022, and encourages timely renewal.

How to pay overstay fines?


Simply enter your visa details, after which the system will show you the fines you have to pay. You can pay the fine using a credit or debit card.

Typing centre

  • Visit an ICP-registered typing centre

You can find the complete list of authorised typing offices in the UAE, through the government’s official website.

Amer centre

Amer centres process immigration applications on behalf of GDRFA. You can find the complete list of Amer centres located in Dubai, through this website.

How to avoid overstay fines in UAE

To avoid accumulating overstay fines and possible complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following guidelines

  • Be aware of the length of your authorized stay and any associated grace periods. Keep track of the visa expiry date through ICP or the GDRFA websites
  • If you want to extend your stay, explore options to renew or extend your visa long before your current visa expires
  • Plan your departure in advance to ensure you leave the country within the time allowed
  • If you are unsure about your visa status or have questions about an extension, consult the relevant immigration authorities or legal professionals.

The online platforms GDRFA-Dubai and ICP provide comprehensive details regarding visa service fees, including expenses related to the issuance, extension and cancellation of visas.

Entry permit and visa applications can be submitted via the authority’s website, its smart application, the Dubai Now application, and authorized printing centres.

Once the application is submitted and approved by these centres, an approval letter is issued to the applicant along with the original entry permit.

This post was last modified on August 14, 2023 5:00 pm

Sakina Fatima

Sakina Fatima, a digital journalist with Siasat.com, has a master's degree in business administration and is a graduate in mass communication and journalism. Sakina covers topics from the Middle East, with a leaning towards human interest issues.

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