Man kills mother after she voted for YSRCP in Anantapur

The man, reportedly aligned with the Telugu Desam Party, expressed his discontent upon learning of his mother's political preference.

Hyderabad: A tragic incident unfolded in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh when a son allegedly murdered his mother following a heated argument over her choice of political allegiance. The distressing event occurred in Eguvapalli village, shocking the local community.

The victim, Sangamma, a 45-year-old resident of Eguvapally, found herself at odds with her son, Venkatesh, after she cast her vote for the YSR Congress Party in the recent Assembly and Lok Sabha polls. Venkatesh, reportedly aligned with the Telugu Desam Party, expressed his discontent upon learning of his mother’s political preference.

In a fit of rage, Venkatesh engaged in a heated altercation with Sangamma just two days after the elections. The situation escalated quickly, culminating in Venkatesh fatally attacking his mother with a hammer. Following the brutal assault, he fled the scene. Neighbours reportedly alert police following which a case has been booked against Venkatesh and initiate the search.

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