
Karnataka: Minor forced to perform worship naked; video goes viral

The accused told the boy that he should be doing the act if his father's debts have to be cleared.

Koppal (Karnataka): Karnataka Police registered an FIR against three persons for forcing a 16-year-old boy to perform worship without clothes. The accused allegedly video graphed the act and shared it on social media, making it viral.

The Koppal Rural Police have registered the case and are investigating the matter which had come to light lately. According to police, the three accused had convinced the boy that if he offers worship in a naked position to God, his father’s debts would be cleared.

The accused told the boy that he should be doing the act if his father’s debts have to be cleared. They assured him that his family would get money immediately after the worship is performed in a naked state.

Later they took the boy to a lodge in Hubballi city, and made him offer worship to God in a naked state, police said.

The accused, who have been identified as Sharanappa, Virupana Gouda and Sharanappa Talawara, filmed the entire episode. Later, they uploaded the videos, which went viral on social media.

After coming to know about the videos being circulated, the boy informed the police about what had happened to him. Thereafter, the parents lodged a case against the accused persons. The police have taken up the investigation.

This post was last modified on October 3, 2022 2:07 pm

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